Mary Hansen-Morency Mary Hansen-Morency

Cool new tools!!

It all begins with an idea.

Today was a great day! I got new embeds and extruder discs and they are giving me great ideas. I would love to hear what you want to see!!! My embeds are molds for mushrooms aka toadstools large and small. My extruders will make witches hat’s, pumpkins large and small, halloween cat, witch on a broomstick, tombstones, small cauldron, small cactus, small four leaf clover large and small, a rooster, a hen, and small pumpkin embeds!!! I can’t wait to get started.

My baby goats and milking are taking up a bit of my time after work and on the weekends.

What would you like to see made? Tell what you like and what you don’t!!!

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